Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Initial sounds

 Now that we have moved on to phase 3 sounds we have been checking our knowledge of phase initial sounds. Using the sound pots we had to find the correct objects to match our pots.


 We have been learning about the different types of dinosaurs and what they liked to eat. We have also been learning about the history of dinosaurs and looking at fossils. Fossils were very popular so we decided to make our own salt dough fossils. Fossil pictures to follow.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022


 Our new topic this term is ‘dinosaurs’. We will be linking the topic to all areas of learning and enjoying a range of planning and cooking activities. Take a look at our new role play area ‘a museum’ and others activities we are enjoying.

Sports day practise

 Take a look at the fun we had practising for sports day…..